
Blood contains yellow color plasma (made up of proteins, electrolytes, nutrients) and it constitutes 55 percent of the blood. The red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients to body parts and white blood cells help to fight infections. Platelets are necessary for blood clotting. The body should produce balanced volume of blood, not too viscous or sticky. The bone marrow produces the red blood cells and insignificant intake of iron can cause anemia that depletes the bone marrow. The problem of iron deficiency can effect hemoglobin production. The body has a system to recycle excess iron and use it later but still a number of people taking supplements of iron suffer from deficiency. This can happen because the body is suffering from blood loss. The problems of internal ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding can cause anemia in people. Alcoholics suffer from esophageal bleeding. One can adopt alternatives such as ayurvedic cure for blood loss anemia.

The causes for iron deficiency include impaired absorption of the mineral by the body which happens mostly due to intestinal diseases. Intestinal infections and craving for non-food substances in some people are symptoms of iron deficiency. There are certain surgical procedures that impair the ability of the digestive tract to absorb iron. Ayurvedic cure for low iron levels are effective in such conditions when the body is not getting benefit from other supplements of iron. Feroplex capsule is ayurvedic cure for blood loss anemia that contains iron prepared through ayurvedic methods, where the compounds of iron can be easily absorbed into the digestive tract.

Some people suffer from poor iron absorption due to the side effects of therapies. The exposure to chemotherapies and radiations can reduce the property of bone marrow to produce red blood cells and this can cause extreme fatigue in people. Medication for anti-seizures, immune suppression, anti-clotting and antiarrhythmic medicines enhances the risk of anemia. Overgrowth of intestinal infections can cause anemia as the body fails to absorb nutrients as desired.

Even minor anemia reduces endurance. It impairs growth, motor development, decreases alertness and shortens attention span. Regular intake of ayurvedic cure for low iron levels is useful in such situations.

There are other conditions where the person may suffer from vitamin B12 deficiencies and this can cause deficiency which creates abnormally large red blood cells of short lifespan. These deficiencies are also responsible for neurological problems. Ayurvedic cure for low iron levels helps in getting rid of infections and curing anemia in a safe way.

A number of people who suffer from anemia have a diet low in iron e.g. processed foods and food low in vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause anemia. There are certain other foods which contain iron but the body is unable to absorb it from these food sources such as green vegetables and beans. Any kind of critical illness or chronic illnesses, which causes blood loss can cause anemia and the problem of monthly flow in women is also linked to anemia which can be prevented by taking ayurvedic cure for blood loss anemia.