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Miracle Fruit Tree
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Miracle Fruit Tree
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Miracle Fruit Tree
One of the most miraculous fruits to eat! Just one berry to experience sweetness without the addition of sugar to sour foods! Seen in the NY Times, CNN and on the Hallmark Channel! - Lemons taste like sweet lemonade - Guinness Stout beer tastes like chocolate milk - Even broccoli and cauliflower taste like sweet apple - Mothers use them to introduce new vegetables to their children - They're a great tool for anyone looking to increase their calorie intake - Some like to throw Miracle Berry parties, where everyone samples a variety of foods - They make for a unique, thoughtful gift
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Barbados Cherry/Aceorla/Guyana Cherry Tree
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Barbados Cherry/Aceorla/Guyana Cherry Tree
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Barbados Cherry/Aceorla/Guyana Cherry Tree
Barbados Cherry/Acerola/Guyana Cherry Tree in a 3 Gallon Container. The Barbados Cherry is a fast growing bushy tree that can be trained as a standard or shaped as a hedge. The fruit are sweet to sub-acid, and they are used extensively in juices throughout Latin America. The cherries are extremely high in Vitamin C, and just one is equal to 100% your daily allowance of Vitamin C, per 100grams 24 times the vitamin C of an Orange. They are also used in jellies, jams, and they freeze without losing their Vitamin C content. They also fruit constantly throughout the warm months, usually 8-10 months of the year so you get a lot of fruit. Also makes a great container plant for a people living in an apartment/condo or up North.
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Surinam Cherry Grafted Black Star Variety Tree
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Surinam Cherry Grafted Black Star Variety Tree
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Surinam Cherry Grafted Black Star Variety Tree
• Comes in 3 gallon container • 1 inch diameter, reddish-black cherry when fully ripe • Pumpkin-like shape • Ripens May through June • Full sun, drought tolerant • Grows in almost all types of soil • Bush, hedge, or small tree up to 25 feet in height • Patio/Indoor growing Zones 4-11, Outdoors Zones 9b-11
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Noni Tree
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Noni Tree
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Noni Tree
Noni Tree in a 3 Gallon Container. Noni is a medicinal fruit that is professed to combat nearly every ailment of the body from cancer to allergies. Most notable is the fruit’s detoxifying juice which lowers blood pressure, regulates menstruation, and wards off infection. There are literally hundreds of scientific studies and testimonials published on various websites that tout the fruits healing powers. They can be container grown or planted as a specimen, and the trees begin fruiting at just one year of age. Great value since the tree fruits year round, one tree can provide a steady supply of noni, and noni juice can cost upwards of $20 per bottle. Also can be grown virtually anywhere in a container so can be enjoyed even in cold climates.
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Pomegranate WonderFul Variety
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Pomegranate WonderFul Variety
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Pomegranate WonderFul Variety
Pomegrante WonderFul Variety in a 3 Gallon Container. The pomegranate is known as “the hardest working fruit” in the world. The juice contains the highest concentration of naturally occurring antioxidants of any fruit. They are typically baseball to softball size, and are filled with transparent sacs that contain a seed and a flavorful pulp. They can be eaten out of hand or juiced for a drink. Great value since pomegrantes typically cost $3-$4 each and are one of the most medically beneficial fruit. They contain one of the highest concentrations of anti-oxidants to prevent aging related problems and keep you young. Wonderful is a popular large variety often found in grocery stores around Thanksgiving.
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Star Cherry Pitangatuba Tree
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Star Cherry Pitangatuba Tree
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Star Cherry Pitangatuba Tree
Star Cherry, Eugenia Selloi also know as a Pitangatuba or Pitangola tree in a 3 Gallon Container. This tropical plant is native to Brazil and produces a tasty 1"-2" diameter, star shaped orange-yellow cherry with an alluring aroma. This is a very unique looking cherry because of it's star shape. This plant forms into a small tree or It can be trimmed into a bush. Easily grown in containers so can be kept as a patio plant in colder climates it also makes a great edible hedge.
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Pomegranate Big Red Variety
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Pomegranate Big Red Variety
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Pomegranate Big Red Variety
Pomegrante Big Red Variety in a 3 Gallon Container. The pomegranate is known as “the hardest working fruit” in the world. The juice contains the highest concentration of naturally occurring antioxidants of any fruit. They are typically baseball to softball size, and are filled with transparent sacs that contain a seed and a flavorful pulp. They can be eaten out of hand or juiced for a drink. Great value since pomegrantes typically cost $3-$4 each and are one of the most medically beneficial fruit. They contain one of the highest concentrations of anti-oxidants to prevent aging related problems and keep you young. Wonderful is a popular large variety often found in grocery stores around Thanksgiving.
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Tea Plant Large Leaf Variety
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Tea Plant Large Leaf Variety
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Tea Plant Large Leaf Variety
Tea Plant Large Leaf Variety in a 3 Gallon Container. The Tea plant is a small shrub about 1-2 meters in height, though it will grow taller if you don't prune it. In the fall, your tea shrub will flower with small white blossoms that have a delightful scent. These plants are often grown as ornamentals. For planting, Camellia sinensis likes well-drained and sandy soil that is on the acidic side. If you are going to grow your tea in a container, add some sphagnum moss to the potting mix. The Leaves of this plant are used to make teas including Green Tea, Oolong Tea and Black Tea.
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Blackberry Bush
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Blackberry Bush
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Blackberry Bush
Blackberry Bush in a 3 Gallon Container. Blackberries are extremely tolerant of site and soil conditions. They are especially unusual in that they will produce a reasonable crop of berries even when grown in deep shade. Delicious both cooked or eaten fresh, they are bursting with flavour and excellent for your health, good anti-oxidant. Blackberries produce their flowers very late in the season so frost will never be a problem. Low lying land or frost pockets are quite suitable for blackberries. Cold Hardy.
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Coffee Tree
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Coffee Tree
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Coffee Tree
Coffee Tree in a 3 Gallon Container. Coffee plants have small white, fragrant, star-shaped flowers that are clustered in the leaf axils. They resemble gardenias to which they are related. The edible fruits are small fleshy berries changing in color from green to yellow to red. Two greenish-gray seeds are covered with a thin membrane and are enclosed in a dry husk-like parchment. When only one seed develops it is known as a pea-berry and commands a higher price. The seeds can easily be dried, roasted and ground at home. Coffee plants are fairly easy to grow in the home as a potted specimen, which should be moved outdoors for the summer if possible.
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Pitomba Tree
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Pitomba Tree
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Pitomba Tree
Pitomba Tree in 3 Gallon Container. Pitomba are another highly ornamental Eugenia from Brazil. The fruit have an apricot flavor and color. The trees can be container grown, hedged, or grown as a specimen.
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Grumichama Tree/Shrub
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Grumichama Tree/Shrub
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Grumichama Tree/Shrub
Grumichama Tree in a 3 Gallon Container. The grumichama is a small, compact tree that can be grown as a standard or shaped as a hedge. The plants have beautiful glossy dark green leaves and rough corky textured bark. Fruit deep purple to black when ripe and they have a flavor very similar to that of jaboticaba. They are most often eaten fresh and used in jelly. Very popular in Brazil and South America. Can be used to make a nice edible hedge.
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StrawberryCattley Guava Tree
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StrawberryCattley Guava Tree
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StrawberryCattley Guava Tree
Strawberry/Catley Guava Tree in a 3 Gallon Container. Cattley Guava is a fairly slow growing shrub or small tree growing to a height of about 14 feet. The highly fragrant flowers are white followed by small green fruits that turn a bright red when ripe. Fruit size is about 1 1/2 inches. The Cattley can survive temperatures as low as 22F degrees, but prefers warm, humid weather. This guava can be grown indoors or out. Potted, it will only grow to about 5 feet. The shiny dark green leaves make it an excellent contrast to the bright red fruits. Fruits are very sweet. Makes a great shrub or hedge for privacy.
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Paan/Betel Leaf Vine
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Paan/Betel Leaf Vine
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Paan/Betel Leaf Vine
Paan/Betel Leaf Vine in a 3 gallon conatiner. The betel leaf plant is a branching vine, that may climb as high as 10-15ft, although it often grows as an understory ground cover. The betel leaf is used in a number of traditional remedies for the treatment of stomach ailments, infections, and as a general tonic. It is often chewed in combination with the betel nut (Areca catechu), as a stimulatory. Some evidence suggests that betel leaves have immune boosting properties as well as anti-cancer properties. Leaves are chewed as a stimulant. In India, betel is used to cast out (cure) worms. And according to traditional Ayurvedic medicine, chewing areca nut and betel leaf is a good remedy against bad breath (halitosis).They are also said to have aphrodisiac properties. In Malaysia they are used to treat headaches, arthritis and joint pain. In the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and China they are used to relieve toothache. In the Philippines, they are used specifically as a stimulant. In Indonesia they are drunk as an infusion and used as an antibiotic. They are also used in an infusion to cure indigestion, as a topical cure for constipation, as a decongestant and as an aid to lactation.
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Sugar Cane Plant
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Sugar Cane Plant
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Sugar Cane Plant
Sugar Cane Plant in a 3 Gallon Container. Sugar cane is a tall grass which looks rather like a bamboo cane. The cane plant is a coarse growing member of the grass family with juice or sap high in sugar content. This tropical plant is ready in 11-18 months. The mature stems may vary from 4 to 12 feet or more ill height, and in commercial varieties are from 0.75 to 2 inches in diameter. The stem has joints or nodes as in other grasses. Nice alternative to bamboo since it provides privacy and is edible. Sugar canes are extremely sweet.
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Raspberry Bush
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Raspberry Bush
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Raspberry Bush
Raspberry Bush in a 3 Gallon Container. Despite originating from the lower Himalayas, the Raspberry grows and fruits extremely well throughout Florida. The fruit are the size of a nickel, extremely flavorful, and a favorite among kids. The plants do go dormant in the winter, and new canes sprout in the spring. Cold Hardy and can be grow in a container. Good source of anti-oxidants.
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Pineapple Plant
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Pineapple Plant
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Pineapple Plant
Pineapple Plant 1-2 Gallon Container. Pineapples are among the most widely used tropical fruits in the world. The fruit grow on a small herbaceous plant that is in the same family as ornamental bromeliads. The plants can be reproduced by planting the crown of the fruit, but they are best grown from the suckers that occur at the base of the fruit or the mother plant. The plants begin producing fruit at one to two years of age.
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Pineapple Guava/Fieoja Tree
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Pineapple Guava/Fieoja Tree
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Pineapple Guava/Fieoja Tree
Pineapple Guava/Fieoja Tree in a 3 Gallon Container. The feijoa, or Pineapple Guava is native to extreme southern Brazil, northern Argentina, western Paraguay and Uruguay where it is common in the mountains. Is widely planted as a hedge, specimen or more ornately as an specimen and can if unpruned can reach heights of 15 feet tall and 15 feet wide in as many years. Pineapple Guava is used for two distinctly different purposes: for its flowers and for its fruits. There are few landscape plants that can be used for both, but its brilliant flowers, bright pink and red reaching 1.5 inches in diameter generally astound passerby’s. Its fruits are sweet and the taste resembles a cross between pineapple and guava. Fruits range in size from ¾ inch to 3 ½ inches long and are soft and yellow when ripe. Another useful purpose for the Feijoa is that it is very tolerant of salt, though this decreases fruit yield and causes it to produce fewer flowers. The leaves are leathery, dark green on top and a pale gray on the underside. The plant is remarkably disease and insect resistant, which makes landscaped areas easier to maintain. Makes a great edible hedge.
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Surinam Cherry Red Variety Tree
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Surinam Cherry Red Variety Tree
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Surinam Cherry Red Variety Tree
Surinam Cherry Tree Red Variety in a 3 Gallon Container. The tasty Surinam produces a 1" diameter, reddish-black cherry. This is a very unique looking cherry because of it`s pumpkin-like shape. The cherry ripens May through June. When fully ripe, it is delicious eaten fresh or in jellies. The plant is durable and can tolerate it's PH ranging from 5.5 to 7.5. It can be trimmed into a bush or small tree. Often grown as a thick hedge in central and south Florida. Easily grown in containers and makes a great edible hedge.
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Tea Plant Small Leaf Variety
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Tea Plant Small Leaf Variety
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Tea Plant Small Leaf Variety
Tea Plant Small Leaf Variety in a 3 Gallon Container. The Tea plant is a small shrub about 1-2 meters in height, though it will grow taller if you don't prune it. In the fall, your tea shrub will flower with small white blossoms that have a delightful scent. These plants are often grown as ornamentals. For planting, Camellia sinensis likes well-drained and sandy soil that is on the acidic side. If you are going to grow your tea in a container, add some sphagnum moss to the potting mix. The Leaves of this plant are used to make teas including Green Tea, Oolong Tea and Black Tea.
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Prickly Pear/Tuna Plant
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Prickly Pear/Tuna Plant
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Prickly Pear/Tuna Plant
Prickly Pear/Tuna Plant in a 3 Gallon Container. Imagine a plant which can provide you with several year-round foods, as well as a sweetener, an ice cream flavoring, a red dye, a hair conditioner, flour, and still be a drought tolerant burglar fence. This versatile plant is the prickly pear cactus, providing food, medicine, dye, and landscaping. The pads, fruits, seeds, and flowers of the prickly pear are all edible and can be prepared in a variety of ways. The fruit tast similiar to a watermelon. Prickly pear planted around the perimeter of your yard provides a steady supply of food, and serves as a natural fence through which most animal and human intruders will not penetrate. An edible fence or hedge.
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Sea Grape Tree
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Sea Grape Tree
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Sea Grape Tree
Sea Grape/Guyana Grape Tree in a 3 Gallon Container. Very common tree native to seashores throughout tropical America. Forms long clusters of grape-like fruit with an acidic flavor. The sea grape is often used as a landscape tree near beaches and waterways as it adapts well to sandy soil. Small shrub to medium sized tree up to 30ft high. Sea Grapes take on a number of growing habits and can also be found as spreading shrubs, growing only a few feet high. The rounded, glossy, red-veined leaves arequite distinctive. Usually eaten fresh out of hand or used to make jams and jellies. Makes a great shrub or hedge and is salt tolerant for coastal areas.
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Tea Plant Red Leaf Variety
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Tea Plant Red Leaf Variety
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Tea Plant Red Leaf Variety
Tea Plant Red Leaf Variety in a 3 Gallon Container. The Tea plant is a small shrub about 1-2 meters in height, though it will grow taller if you don't prune it. In the fall, your tea shrub will flower with small white blossoms that have a delightful scent. These plants are often grown as ornamentals. For planting, Camellia sinensis likes well-drained and sandy soil that is on the acidic side. If you are going to grow your tea in a container, add some sphagnum moss to the potting mix. The Leaves of this plant are used to make teas including Green Tea, Oolong Tea and Black Tea.
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Costa Rican Mint, Jamaican Mint Tree, Kama Sutra Menta
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Costa Rican Mint, Jamaican Mint Tree, Kama Sutra Menta
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Costa Rican Mint, Jamaican Mint Tree, Kama Sutra Menta
Costa Rican Mint Tree in a 3 Gal. Container. Satureja means Savory. Satureja viminea is rna very minty savory with great possibilities. The small 1/2 to 1/4 inch oval, glossy, rnlime green foliage can match any spearmint for potency, and yet it is not saddled with rnMint’s aggressive nature. Even though it is frost sensitive it grows quite vigorously in rnone season and can be moved indoors. It grows well in a pot and survives inside with rngood light. Legend says that the mint plant grows into a tree only after a great deal of rntime and care... This plant is used for making a famous Kama Sutra Luxury Mint Tree Bath rnGel and Body Wash. This voluptuous cleansing liquid has a dedicated worldwide following rnof men and women who know bathing's true pleasure potential. The Kama Sutra Mint Tree rnBathing Gels are a great way to turn the simple ritual of a bath or shower into a rnsensual interlude with these indulgent bathing gels. Mint Tree cools and tingles, rninvigorating the body and lifting the spirit. Satureja viminea is a large shrub or small rntree with strongly scented mint leaves. Fragrance is pure and very intence. Very rare rnplant. Unlike a well-known peppermint herb, this plant has a woody stem and upright rngrowth, though keeps a bushy shape. Can be trained into a small tree. Reaches 6-7 ft in rnheight. Foliage strongly peppermint-scented.
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Natal Plum
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Natal Plum
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Natal Plum
• Comes in 3 gallon container • Popular foundation, hedge, container, and groundcover plants • Thick leathery leaves, durable through wind and salty ocean spray • Can grow up to 20 ft in height, but can be pruned and kept at any size • Plum red fruit, tastes like slightly sweet cranberry with texture of a ripe strawberry • Fruits appear while plant blooms – in summer and fall (or fall and winter in warmer climates) • Fruits can be eaten off the bush or made into pies, jams, etc. • Fragrant white blossoms • Rich in vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous • Full sun, tolerates partial shade, drought tolerant • Tropical and subtropical regions (Zones 9-11) • All parts of plant except for the ripe fruits are poisonous (be careful with pets)
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