Maprang Tree Rare Collectors Plant

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Maprang Tree Rare Collectors Plant
$159.70 $237.10
Common name: Maprang
Botanical name: Bouea macrophylla
Avg Height X Width: Varies
Family: Anacardiaceae
Origin: Southeast Asia and India
Season: Warm Months
Damage temp: 32 F

Rare Maprang Tree Bouea macrophylla in a 3 gallon container. This rare fruit sometimes also called Marian plum, Ma-praang, Gandaria, Kundangan, Rembunia, Plum Mango and Setar is from Asia.
The fruit resemble a miniature mango and have a small, single seed. The fruit have an amazing flavor and are eaten out of hand and can be found for sale at local markets throughout Asia when in Season. This relatively unknown plant makes a great additional to any mango connoisseurs collection. We currently have limited quantities of this plant available.

weight 9.99 lbs