1 review for Guava Tree Red Variety HomeDwarf TreesContainer Fruit TreesGuava Tree Red VarietyReviews Guava Tree Red VarietyGuava Tree Red Variety in a 3 Gallon Container. Guava is enjoyed in jelly, juice, pastries and a multitude of other recipes. The fruit can be round to pear shaped, and they are typically about the size of a baseball. The pulp is smooth, sweet, and extremely aromatic. The trees are heavy producers, and will begin fruiting at just one year of age. Great addition to any garden since the tree fruits year round producing a lot of fruit. Guava's can also be mixed in drinks and smoothies for an amazing flavor.4.502 ratingsAdd to favorites Guava Tree Red Variety is now in your favorite list See favoritesAdd to compare Guava Tree Red Variety is now in your comparison list Start compare1-2 Feet Tall TreeSKU: GuavaRed$118.704-5 Feet Tall TreeSKU: GuavaRed4-5$179.70 Gift Packaging Red Bow (+$9.95)Green Bow (+$9.95)White Bow (+$9.95)Pink Bow (+$9.95)Blue Bow (+$9.95) Monogram on Burlap Bag (Must Also Purchase Gift Packaging Above) Happy Birthday (+$9.95)Happy Annivesary (+$9.95)Happy Thanksgiving (+$9.95)Happy Holidays (+$9.95)Valentines Heart (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "A" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "B" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "C" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "D" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "E" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "F" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "G" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "H" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "I" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "J" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "K" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "L" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "M" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "N" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "O" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "P" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "Q" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "R" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "S" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "T" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "U" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "V" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "W" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "X" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "Y" (+$9.95)Family Crest Letter "Z" (+$9.95)Lunar New Year (+$9.95)Happy Easter (+$9.95)Happy 4th of July (+$9.95)Happy Mother's Day (+$9.95)Happy Father's Day (+$9.95) In stock Only 3 left in stock Free Shipping on orders over $199. $118.70$169.70Add to cart Guava Tree Red Variety is now in your shopping cart CartProceed to checkout → Write a reviewTo add a review please sign up or login B Booer Randy December 18, 2018 22:35 My first tree This tree grows! Amazed with the amount of guava's it puts out. Wife and I had enough to make jams and juice. reply
This tree grows! Amazed with the amount of guava's it puts out. Wife and I had enough to make jams and juice.