Turmeric is related to the ginger family it is a bright orange color and is used a lot in Indian cuisine and is now recognized as a Super Food.



This tropical plant is not only used for cooking. It is used for ceremonies and dyes all over the world. Did you know that the curry powder blend gets its color from turmeric? Yup it does....

Heather Suhr author of The Raw Food World talks about treating Rheumatoid Arthritis with the Natural Healing of Turmeric!

As Heather has said that a report in the Phytotheraphy Research revealed that curcumin in high bioavailable form have been shown to be more effective than any rheumatoid drug which also included reducing the tenderness and swelling of the joints, plus patients reported a higher rate of improvement altogether.

Curcumin is known to treat everything from skin and stomach problems to infection and inflammations. Research has also shown to help reduce Alzheimer's

No wonder it's considered the SUPER FOOD all over the world!