Nectarine Tree Grafted

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Nectarine Tree Grafted

Nectarine Tree Grafted in a 3 Gallon Container. This Nectarine Tree is a long time favorite in the Deep South. This medium sized bright red nectarine even produces well in warm Winter areas such as Florida. The firm, yellow flesh with sweet, delicious flavor ripens mid-May to early June. Low chill requirement so will do well in warm climates.

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SKU: Nectarine
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  • Overview
    Common name: Nectarine
    Botanical name: Prunus persica var. nectarina
    Family: Rosaceae
    Origin China
    Avg. : 15 Feet

    Nectarine Tree Grafted in a 3 Gallon Container. This Nectarine Tree is a long time favorite in the Deep South. This medium sized bright red nectarine even produces well in warm Winter areas such as Florida. The firm, yellow flesh with sweet, delicious flavor ripens mid-May to early June. Low chill requirement so will do well in warm climates.


    Peaches and nectarines are relatively large fruits with large, deeply ridged stones. Fruit 2 to 3.5 inches diameter. Peach fruits are pubescent throughout the growing season, and are usually brushed by machine prior to marketing to remove most of the pubescence. Nectarines have a smooth, plum-like peel. Nectarines have apparently originated from peaches by mutation. Trees of the two kinds are indistinguishable and are relatively small, usually held to under 15 feet by pruning. Both peaches and nectarines may be freestone - pit relatively free of the flesh - or clingstone - pit adheres to flesh. Many varieties, especially of peaches, are grown in the U.S., varying in season of ripening and climatic adaptation


    Nectarine is a cultivar group of peach that has a smooth, fuzzless skin. Though grocers treat fuzzy peaches and nectarines as different fruits, they belong to the same species. Nectarines have arisen many times from fuzzy peaches, often as bud sports. Nectarines can be white or yellow, and clingstone or freestone. Regular peach trees occasionally produce a few nectarines, and vice versa. Their flesh is more easily bruised than fuzzy peaches. The history of the nectarine is unclear; the first recorded mention is from 1616 in England, but they had probably been grown much earlier in central Asia.


    Eaten out of hand & in fruit salads.


    Good-quality nectarines will be fairly large, have smooth, unblemished skin and will be firm but not rock-hard. Ripen nectarines at home for 2 to 3 days at room temperature until they are slightly soft along the seam. Ripe fruit will have a sweet nectarine smell that is stronger when the fruit is at room temperature.

  • Features
    weight:9.99 lbs
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Nectarine Tree Grafted